Gain Knowledge. Demonstrate Competence.

Explore best practices for supervision, communication, and collaboration via telepractice. Discover how to evaluate telepractice opportunities from multiple perspectives.

Enroll in Module 3: Unique Challenges

Course curriculum

  • 1
  • 2
    Part 1: Supervision in Telepractice
    • Introduction to Supervision and Communication with Assistants
    • Supervision Learning Objectives
    • 3 Stages of Supervision
    • Stage 1: Preparation
    • Stage 2: Initiation
    • Stage 3: Ongoing Support
    • Best Practices for (Tele)supervision: Tips from the Field
    • Roles for Clinician and Assistant: A Continuum
    • Supervision Continuum Video
    • Quiz: Supervision Continuum
    • Supervision and Communication: Resources
  • 3
    Part 2: Communication and Collaboration
    • Introduction to Communication and Collaboration
    • Communication and Collaboration Learning Objectives
    • Meetings from Afar: Set-up your Set-up!
    • Etiquette for Tele-Meetings
    • Remote Meeting Attendance: Tips from the Field
    • Beyond Meetings: Working with Team Members When You Are Off-site
    • Quiz: Communication and Working with Team Members
    • Cultural Competency Challenges in Telepractice Interactions
    • Cultural Competency: Strategies
    • Cultural Competency: Benefits of Telepractice
    • Quiz: Cultural Competency
    • Communication and Collaboration Resources
  • 4
    Part 3: Understanding the Pros & Cons of Telepractice
    • Introduction to Understanding the Pros & Cons of Telepractice
    • Understanding the Pros and Cons of Telepractice: Learning Objectives
    • Understanding the Pros and Cons of Telepractice: Overview
    • Efficacy Studies
    • Professional Organization Statements
    • Discussing the Pros and Cons of Telepractice with Students and Parents
    • Discussing the Pros and Cons of Telepractice with Districts
    • Considering the Pros and Cons of Telepractice for Clinicians
    • Quiz: Telepractice Pros and Cons
    • Telepractice and Screen Time
    • Telepractice Research: Resources
  • 5
    Part 4: Building a Strong Teletherapy Service Model
    • Introduction to Building a Strong Teletherapy Service Model
    • Building a Strong Teletherapy Service Model Learning Objectives
    • Telepractice Service Delivery Models
    • Quiz: Service Delivery Options
    • Telepractice Employment
    • Advocacy for Telepractice
    • Service Delivery: Resources



  • Telepractice  Administrator


    Telepractice Administrator